Inherits from NSTextView
Conforms to NSTableViewDataSource
Declared in GMAutoCompleteTextView.h
Companion guide Autocomplete Text View Programming Guide


GMAutoCompleteTextView is a general purpose autocompletion text component. It allows for sofisticated customization, mostly through subclassing, which is required for proper usage of this component.

We will explain here the general flow of autocompletion, and the individual methods will also explain the specifics of providing your own implementation.

Autocomplete Flow

Whenever the underlying text view’s textStorage changes, GMAutoCompleteTextView calls triggerForCurrentPosition to see if it should trigger autocompletion. If this method returns nil, the process stops. Otherwise a trigger object is returned, and this object should indicate the context of the autocompletion. (The default implementation simply always returns a particular string).

Then rangeForCurrentPosition is called, which should return a range of what of the autocompleted word has already been typed into the text view. From this range autocompleteFilter is set to a string from that range.

Next autocompletionListForTrigger: is called which should return a list of possible autocompletions for the particular trigger. If the results are too many or need to be downloaded from a server, you can already use @autocompleteFilter to select only the relevant ones. Otherwise you may leave this to the code to do automatically. autocompletionListForTrigger: is the only method that really needs overriding to something sensible.

After that, the list has to be filtered and sorted. For this the method item:matchesFilter: is used. This should return a score between <0,1>, which is used both for ordering and filtering. Items with scores below 0.1 will not be displayed and items with the highest score will be displayed at the top.

Then to display the autocompletion window, appropriate NSTableCellView subclasses have to be instantiated and filled with the appropriate objects. cellTypeForTrigger:object: is called, which should return an identifier for a cell. By default this will return the trigger. This allows for a naming convention, that simplifies the process considerably. If you name your trigger, your cellview nib and your cell identifier the same, you do not need to change this method at all. Anyway, this string is then used to load a nib of that same name from the app bundle and use it as the cell view.

This allows you to use not only strings in autocompletionListForTrigger:, but any arbitrary objects you wish. The only thing you need to do then, is to make your own cells to display these values and implement one of these methods:

  • textForObject: which given an object of the autocompletion list will give a string to actually autocomplete
  • or implement a key method directly on the object

This is used both for the filtering and also for actually autocompleting a value.



Methods to consider overriding in subclasses

Triggering the autocompletion window



The string already typed.

@property (readonly) NSString *autocompleteFilter

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The matching algorithm that item:matchesFilter: will use.

@property GMMatchingAlgorithm matchingAlgorithm


See the documentation for item:matchesFilter: for more information. The possible values are:

  • GMMatchingPrefix
  • GMMatchingPrefixSuffixSorted
  • GMMatchingSubstring
  • GMMatchingDiceCoefficient
  • GMMatchingSubletters

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Instance Methods


Indicates whether the autocomplete is being active at the moment.

- (BOOL)autocompletionIsActive

Return Value

True when the window is showing and false otherwise.

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Returns the list of autocompletions.

- (NSArray *)autocompletionListForTrigger:(id)trigger



A context object returned by triggerForCurrentPosition.

Return Value

An array of autocompletion items. Without overriding cellTypeForTrigger:object: this should be an array of strings, otherwise it can be an array of arbitrary objects, which your celltype should be able to display to the user. This object shoud respond to -key, otherwise you may need to override textForObject:


You can already prefilter this list using the autocompleteFilter property, but this will be done automatically anyway later on.

Declared In



Provide an identifier for a cell nib to be loaded for displaying in the autocompletion window.

- (NSString *)cellTypeForTrigger:(id)trigger object:(id)object



The context object for the autocompletion (that is whatever triggerForCurrentPosition returns).


The object that is being displayed (this is an element from an array that autocompletionListForTrigger: returns).

Return Value

A string identifier for a cell type, which is both the nib name and the identifier property of the NSTableCellView contained within.


The default behaviour is, that the app bundle is searched for a nib named whatever this method returns. Such a nib should contain a NSTableCellView with its identifier property set to the same string. Once the cell is loaded, it will be efficiently reused by the code.

If the cell type isn’t found, a default one will be constructed. However, the default cell can only display string objects, so for displaying richer information you will need to provide your own cell.

Declared In



Provides a score based filtering and ordering.

- (double)item:(id)item matchesFilter:(NSString *)filter



The object which is part of the array returned by autocompletionListForTrigger:.


What has been already typed. (NB: this is equal to @autocompleteFilter, but passed in for convenience).

Return Value

A score between <0,1>, such that scores below 0.1 will not be shown, and the autocompletion list will be sorted based on the score.


The exact method how the score is calculated depends on the value of the @matchingAlgorithm property:

  • GMMatchingPrefix makes this method return 1.0 if the filter is an exact prefix of the item, and 0.0 otherwise. This is the default. It does not change the sorting of the collection at all
  • GMMatchingPrefixSuffixSorted works the same as GMMatchingPrefix except that it will reduce the score dependingly on the length of the unmatched suffix. For example:

       [cm item @"hello" matchesFilter: @"herro"];       // 0.0
       [cm item @"hello" matchesFilter: @"hell"];        // 0.99
       [cm item @"hello-world" matchesFilter: @"hell"];  // 0.93
    This means that the ordering will be that the shortest properties will be first. (NB: If the suffix is more then 90 characters long, it will be excluded from the list).
  • GMMatchingSubstring returns 1.0 if the filter is a substring of the item, 0.0 otherwise.
  • GMMatchingDiceCoefficient uses an approximate string matching technique to find and sort the elements by those that match the closest. This does not require an exact match, but rather measures a distance metric between the words.
  • GMMatchingSubletters will match a string if the item has all the letters of the filter in the correct order. The score is higher if the letters are close together.

       [cm item @"hello world" matchesFilter: @"herro wrold"]; // 0.0
       [cm item @"hello world" matchesFilter: @"hlr"]; // low score
       [cm item @"hello world" matchesFilter: @"llowl"]; // high score

If the scores are tied, the original ordering (from autocompletionListForTrigger:) is retained, so you can impose your own order (especially when using GMMatchingPrefix, this is necessary, since all the matching elements have the same ordering).

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Gives a range of the text that has already been autocompleted.

- (NSRange)rangeForCurrentPosition

Return Value

A NSRange showing the already typed in filter. Returning a zero length selection will make the autocomplete window disapear.


Conceptually, this should work by extending from the current selection backwards. This implementation selects the current word, that is until the next whitespace. For other purposes, you might want to override this behavior.

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Gives a string to actually autocomplete for a selected object.

- (NSString *)textForObject:(id)object



An autocomplete list object (this is an element from an array that autocompletionListForTrigger: returns).

Return Value

A string that will be used for actually autocompleting in the text field.


The method will try to convert the object to a string. That is if the object is a string, the object itself will be returned. If it responds to the -key method, that will be called and the result returned. Otherwise, as the object’s -description method will be called.

Therefore to make autocomplete work with arbitrary objects, you need to either override this method, or give your objects a -key method.

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Detects if and what kind of autocompletion is relevant.

- (id)triggerForCurrentPosition

Return Value

If no autocompletion should take place, the method must return nil. Otherwise it can return an arbitrary object, that will be used for identifiying the type of autocomletion necessary.


For example, in a code editor, the type of the token being edited is passed, as then only the relevant symbols that fit into the token type can be autocompleted.

If unsure what to use as a context object, using strings that identify your cell type means you do not have to override cellTypeForTrigger:object:, since it will use the trigger string as a default to search for a suitable nib.

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