
Laplace is a very simple in place editor written in object oriented CoffeeScript and distributed as a jQuery (or Zepto) plugin. This is the annotated source code.

do ($ = jQuery) ->

The Laplace class takes care of a single editable value in the page.

  class Laplace

The constructor function is responsible for initializing options and adding an edit link that will display on hover.

    constructor: (el, opts) ->
      @el = $ el
      for opt in ["type", "name", "values", "edit-label", "save-label", "cancel-label", "url", "method"]
        @setOption opt, opts[opt]

Laplace needs to accept two syntaxes for values for radio buttons and selects. One is of the form:

["Value 1", "Value 2"]

Which gets transformed into:

  <option value="Value 1">Value 1</option>
  <option value="Value 2">Value 2</option>

The other syntax:

[["Label 1", "Value 1"], ["Label 2", "Value 2"]]

Gets transformed into:

  <option value="Value 1">Label 1</option>
  <option value="Value 2">Label 2</option>
      @values = for value in @values
        if is '[object Array]'
          [label, value] = value
          label = value
        [label, value]

Options are evaluated in a hierarchy of precedence:

  1. data attribute on the element itself
  2. data attributes on parent elements in order of proximity
  3. an options object passed to the laplace call
  4. the $.fn.laplace.defaults
    setOption: (name, defaultValue) ->
      if dataValue = @el.closest("[data-#{name}]").data(name)
        @[name] = dataValue
        @[name] = defaultValue

Creates a link next to the target element that shows on hover of the parent element.

    makeEditLink: ->
      $editLink = $ "<a href='#' class='laplace-edit-label'>#{@['edit-label']}</a>"
      @el.parent().hover (-> $, (-> $editLink.hide())

When we need to edit a field we need to dynamically construct the HTML interface.

    edit: =>
      code = switch @type
        when "select"
          options = for [label, value] in @values
            """<option value="#{value}" #{if @el.text() is label then 'selected' else ''}>#{label}</option>"""
          """<select name="#{@name}">#{options.join("\n")}</select>"""
        when "radio-buttons"
          options = for [label, value] in @values
            selected = if @el.text() is label then 'checked' else ''
            """<label><input type="radio" value="#{value}" #{selected} name="#{@name}" />#{label}</label>"""
        when "textarea"
          """<textarea name="#{@name}">#{@el.text()}</textarea>"""
          """<input type="#{@type}" name="#{@name}" value="#{@el.text()}" />"""
      code += """<a href='#' class='laplace-save'>#{@["save-label"]}</a> <a href='#' class='laplace-cancel'>#{@["cancel-label"]}</a>""" 
      @editor = $ "<span>#{code}</span>"
      @editor.find('a.laplace-cancel').click @cancel
      @editor.find('a.laplace-save').click @save
      return false

Canceling is just about restoring the original element and re-adding the edit link.

    cancel: =>
      @editor.replaceWith @el

When saving, the selected value is immediately displayed to the user so he has instant feedback about what is going on. In the meantime we fire an AJAX call to the server.

    save: =>
      payload = {}
      if @type is 'radio-buttons'
        val = @editor.find("input:radio[name=#{@name}]:checked").val()
        val = @editor.find("[name=#{@name}]").val()
      payload[@name] = val
      console.log payload
        type: @method
        url: @url
        data: payload
        success: @success

When the AJAX call completes we simply tell our element to display the new content.

    success: (data) =>
      console.log data

Finally we package it all up as a jQuery plugin, allowing mass setting of options.

  $.fn.laplace = (options = {}) ->
    opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.laplace.defaults, options)
    @each ->
      @laplace = new Laplace @, opts

The default options are exposed like this so, perhaps for localization purposes, they can be globally overrriden.

  $.fn.laplace.defaults = {
    "type": "text"
    "edit-label": "Edit"
    "save-label": "Save"
    "cancel-label": "Cancel"
    "method": "POST"
    "values": []