ICUI is a user interface componenet for constructing repetion schedules for the Ruby IceCube library.

do ($ = jQuery) ->


  Helpers = 

clone will make a copy of an object including all child object.

    clone: clone = (obj) ->
      if not obj? or typeof obj isnt 'object'
        return obj

      if obj instanceof Date
        return new Date(obj.getTime()) 

      if obj instanceof RegExp
        flags = ''
        flags += 'g' if
        flags += 'i' if obj.ignoreCase?
        flags += 'm' if obj.multiline?
        flags += 'y' if obj.sticky?
        return new RegExp(obj.source, flags) 

Some care is taken to avoid cloning the parent class, as each ICUI object holds both a reference to a child objects as well as to it's own parent, which could is a cyclic reference.

      if obj.parent? &&

A special case __clone parameter is passed to constructors so as to be able to avoid actual initialization.

        newInstance = new obj.constructor(obj.parent, '__clone') = clone
        newInstance = new obj.constructor()
      for own key of obj when key not in ['parent', 'data', 'elem'] and typeof obj[key] != 'function'
        newInstance[key] = clone obj[key]

      return newInstance

option constructs an option for a select where it handles the case when to add the selected attribute. The third argument can optionally be a function, otherwise it compare the third argument with the first and if equal mark the option as selected.

    option: (value, name, varOrFunc) ->
      if typeof varOrFunc == 'function'
        selected = varOrFunc(value)
        selected = varOrFunc == value
      """<option value="#{value}"#{
        if selected then ' selected="selected"' else ""

select will genearate a <select> tag.

    select: (varOrFunc, obj) ->
      str = "<select>"
      str += Helpers.option value, label, varOrFunc for value, label of obj
      str + "</select>"
    daysOfTheWeek: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]

THis is a wrapper for the most ridicilous API in probably the whole of JavaScript.

    dateFromString: (str) ->
      [date, time] = str.split(/[\sT]/)
      [y, m, d] = (parseInt(t, 10) for t in date.split('-'))
      [h, min, rest...] = (parseInt(t, 10) for t in time.split(':'))
      m = if m - 1 >= 0 then m - 1 else 11
      tz = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset()
      new Date(Date.UTC(y, m, d, h, min, 0, 0))

The Base Class

Option is the class from which nearly all other classes in ICUI inherit. A number of function are meant to be overriden.

  class Option
    constructor: (@parent, data = null) -> 
      @children = []
      @data = {}
      if data != '__clone'
        if data? then @fromData(data) else @defaults()

fromData is meant as an initializer to which the relevant part of the JSON representation is passed at startup.

    fromData: (data) ->

Defaults is the initializer used typically for instances constructed as the default child of a parent.

    defaults: ->

When clonable is true the + button will appear.

    clonable: -> true

When destroyable is true the - button will appear.

    destroyable: -> @parent.children.length > 1

clone is the event handler that will insert a copy of the reciever as a sibling to the reciever.

    clone: => 
      @parent.children.push Helpers.clone @

destroy will remove the reciever from it's parents list of children.

    destroy: => 
      @elem.slideUp 100, =>
        @parent.children.splice(@parent.children.indexOf(@), 1)

Render is the code that is responsible for setting up an HTML fragment and binding all the necessary UI callbacks onto it. It is recommended to call super as this will make all the child objects render as wall as displays the generic cloning UI.

    render: -> 
      out = $ "<div></div>"
      out.append $("<span class='btn clone'>+</span>").click(@clone) if @clonable()
      out.append $("<span class='btn destroy'>-</span>").click(@destroy) if @destroyable()
      out.append @renderChildren()
      out.children() # <- get's rid of the container div
    renderChildren: -> c.render() for c in @children

This will trigger a rerender for the whole structure without needing to keep a global reference to the root node.

    triggerRender: -> @parent.triggerRender()


The Root Node

Root is meant as a singleton class (although this is not enforced). It holds inside itself all other nodes and is responsible for actually putting the whole structure into the DOM.

  class Root extends Option
    clonable: -> no
    destroyable: -> no
    has_ending_time: no
    has_rules: no
    constructor: ->

The parent of the root node is the jQuerified element itself, this will typically be an <input type="hidden">. We insert our container div after it and save it into the @target variable.

      @parent.after "<div class='icui'></div>"
      @target = @parent.siblings('.icui').first()
    fromData: (d) ->
      @children.push new StartDate(@, d["start_date"])
      if d["end_time"]
        @has_ending_time = yes
        @children.push new EndTime(@, d["end_time"]) 
      for k,v of d when v.length > 0 and k != "start_date" and k != "end_time"
        @has_rules = yes
        @children.push new TopLevel(@, {type: k, values: v})
    defaults: ->
      @children.push new StartDate(@)

@children.push new TopLevel(@)

    triggerRender: -> @render()
    render: ->
      unless @has_ending_time
        link = $("<a href='#'>Add Ending Time</a> ") =>
          @has_ending_time = yes
          @children.push new EndTime(@)
        @target.append("<br />")
      unless @has_rules
        link = $("<a href='#'>Add Repetition</a>") =>
          @has_rules = yes
          @children.push new TopLevel(@)
    getData: ->
      data = {}
      for child in @children
        d = child.getData()
        if data[d.type]
          data[d.type] = data[d.type].concat(d.values)
          data[d.type] = d.values


The TopLevel class let's the user pick whether he would like to add or remove dates or rules.

Each of these alternatives than spawns a default child.

The total class diagram looks like this:

|- StartDate
`- TopLevel +-
   |- DatePicker +-
   `- Rule +-
      `- Validation +-
         |- Count
         |- Until
         |- Day +-
         |- DayOfWeek +-
         |- DayOfMonth +-
         |- DayOfYear +-
         `- OffsetFromPascha +-
  class TopLevel extends Option

destroyable: -> @parent.children.length > 2

    defaults: ->
      @data.type = 'rtimes'
      @children = [new DatePicker @]
    fromData: (d) ->
      @data.type = d.type
      if @data.type.match /times$/
        for v in d.values
          @children.push new DatePicker @, v
        for v in d.values
          @children.push new Rule @, v
    getData: ->
      if @data.type.match /times$/
        values = (child.getData().time for child in @children)
        {type: @data.type, values}
        values = (child.getData() for child in @children)
        {type: @data.type, values}
    render: -> 
      @elem = $("""
    <div class="toplevel">Event <select>
      #{Helpers.option 1, "occurs", => @data.type.match /^r/}
      #{Helpers.option -1, "doesn't occur", => @data.type.match /^ex/}
    </select> on <select>
      #{Helpers.option 'dates', "specific dates", => @data.type.match /times$/}
      #{Helpers.option 'rules', "every", => @data.type.match /rules$/}
      ss = @elem.find('select')
      ss.first().change (e) =>
        if == '1'
            @data.type = @data.type.replace /^ex/, 'r'
          @data.type = @data.type.replace /^r/, 'ex'
      ss.last().change (e) =>
        if == 'dates'
          if @data.type.match /^r/
            @data.type = 'rtimes'
            @data.type = 'extimes'
          @children = [new DatePicker @]
          if @data.type.match /^r/
            @data.type = 'rrules'
            @data.type = 'exrules'
          @children = [new Rule @]
      @elem.append super

Choosing Individual DateTimes

The DatePicker class allows the user to pick an individual date and time. Currently it relies on HTML5 attributes to provide most of the user interface, however we could probably easily extend this to use something like jQuery UI.

  class DatePicker extends Option
    defaults: -> @data.time ?= new Date
    fromData: (d) -> @data.time = Helpers.dateFromString d
    getData: -> @data
    render: -> 
      @elem = $("""
        <div class="DatePicker">
          <input type="date" value="#{@data.time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" />
          <input type="time" value="#{@data.time.strftime('%H:%M')}" />
      ss = @elem.find('input')
      date = ss.first()
      time = ss.last()
      ss.change (e) =>
        @data.time = Helpers.dateFromString date.val() + ' ' + time.val()
      @elem.append super

Picking the initial Date

StartDate is a concrete DatePicker subclass that takes care of picking the initial date. The main diffrence is that it is unclonable.

  class StartDate extends DatePicker
    destroyable: -> false
    clonable: -> false
    getData: -> {type: "start_date", values: @data.time}
    render: ->
      @elem = super
      @elem.prepend("Start time")

Picking the ending Date

EndTime is a concrete DatePicker subclass that takes care of picking the ending date. The main diffrence is that it is unclonable.

  class EndTime extends DatePicker
    destroyable: -> true
    clonable: -> false
    getData: -> {type: "end_time", values: @data.time}

    render: ->
      @elem = super
      @elem.prepend("End time")

Specifying Rules

Rules specify a sort of generator which than validations filter out. So the YearlyRule will generate thing which happen roughly once per year.

  class Rule extends Option
    defaults: ->
      @data.rule_type = 'IceCube::YearlyRule'
      @children = [new Validation @]
      @data.interval = 1
    fromData: (d)->
      @data.rule_type = d.rule_type
      @data.interval = d.interval
      if d.count
        @children.push new Validation @, {type: 'count', value: d.count}
      if d.until
        @children.push new Validation @, {type: 'until', value: d.until}
      for k, v of d.validations
        @children.push new Validation @, {type: k, value: v}
    getData: ->
      validations = {}
      for child in @children when isnt 'count' and isnt 'until'
        for k,v of child.getData()
          validations[k] = v
      h = {rule_type: @data.rule_type, interval: @data.interval, validations}
      for child in @children when is 'count' or is 'until'
        for k,v of child.getData()
          h[k] = v
    render: ->
      @elem = $("""
        <div class="Rule">
          <input type="number" value="#{@data.interval}" size="2" width="30" />
          #{ @data.rule_type, 
          "IceCube::YearlyRule": 'years'
          "IceCube::MonthlyRule": 'months'
          "IceCube::WeeklyRule": 'weeks'
          "IceCube::DailyRule": 'days'}
      @elem.find('input').change (e) =>
        @data.interval = parseInt
      @elem.find('select').change (e) =>
        @data.rule_type =
        @children = [new Validation @]
      @elem.append super


Validation let's the user pick what type of validation to use and also agregates the arguments to the validation.

  class Validation extends Option
    defaults: ->
      @data.type = 'count'
      @children = [new Count @]
    fromData: (d) ->
      @data.type = d.type
      switch d.type
        when 'count' then @children.push new Count @, d.value
        when 'until' then @children.push new Until @, d.value
        when 'day'
          for v in d.value
            @children.push new Day @, v
        when 'day_of_week'
          for k,vals of d.value
            for v in vals
              @children.push new DayOfWeek @, {nth: v, day: k}
          for v in d.value
            klass = @choices(d.type)
            c = new klass @, v
            @children.push c
    choices: (v) ->
        count: Count
        until: Until
        day:   Day
        day_of_week: DayOfWeek
        day_of_month: DayOfMonth
        day_of_year: DayOfYear
        offset_from_pascha: OffsetFromPascha
    getData: ->
      key = @data.type
      value = switch key
        when 'count' then @children[0].getData()
        when 'until' then @children[0].getData()
        when 'day_of_week'
          obj = {}
          for child in @children
            [k,v] = child.getData()
            obj[k] ?= []
            obj[k].push v
        else child.getData() for child in @children
      obj = {}
      obj[key] = value
    destroyable: -> true
    render: ->
      str = """
      <div class="Validation">
        #{if @parent.children.indexOf(@) > 0 then "and if" else "If"} <select>
          #{Helpers.option "count", 'event occured less than', @data.type}
          #{Helpers.option "until", 'event is before', @data.type}
          #{Helpers.option "day", 'is this day of the week', @data.type}"""
      if in ["IceCube::YearlyRule", "IceCube::MonthlyRule"]
        str += Helpers.option "day_of_week", 'is this day of the nth week', @data.type 
        str += Helpers.option "day_of_month", 'is the nth day of the month', @data.type
      if is "IceCube::YearlyRule"
        str += Helpers.option "day_of_year", 'is the nth day of the year', @data.type
        str += Helpers.option "offset_from_pascha", 'is offset from Pascha', @data.type
      str += """
      @elem = $(str)
      @elem.find('select').change (e) =>

switch when 'count' then @children = [new Count @] when 'day' then @children = [new Day @] when 'dayofweek' then @children = [new DayOfWeek @] when 'dayofmonth' then @children = [new DayOfMonth @] when 'dayofyear' then @children = [new DayOfYear @] when 'offsetfrompascha' then @children = [new OffsetFromPascha @]

        klass = @choices(
        @children = [new klass @]
        @data.type =
      @elem.append super

Validation Types

we have a seperate class for each type of validation that the user can pick with Validation.

Validation Instance

ValidationInstance is a base class for some of the simpler validation types (typically those with a single parameter).

  class ValidationInstance extends Option
    defaults: -> @data.value = @default
    fromData: (d) -> @data.value = d
    getData: -> @data.value

dataTransformer is what transforms the string representation of the UI into a js datastructure. It is by default parseInt.

    dataTransformer: parseInt
    default: 1

The render implementation relies on a html method that returns an HTML string.

    render: ->
      @elem = $ @html()
      @elem.find('input,select').change (e) =>
        @data.value = @dataTransformer(


Count will limit the maximum times an event can repeat.

  class Count extends ValidationInstance
    clonable: -> false
    html: -> """
      <div class="Count">
        <input type="number" value=#{@data.value} /> times.


Until will repeat the event until a specified date.

  class Until extends DatePicker
    getData: -> @data.time
    clonable: -> false
    destroyable: -> false

Day of Month

Day of month filters out days that are not the nth day of the month.

  class DayOfMonth extends ValidationInstance
    html: ->
      pluralize = (n) -> switch (if 10 < n < 20 then 4 else n % 10)
        when 1 then 'st'
        when 2 then 'nd'
        when 3 then 'rd'
        else 'th'
      str = """
      <div class="DayOfMonth">
      for i in [1..31]
        str += Helpers.option i.toString(), "#{i}#{pluralize i}", @data.value.toString()
      str += Helpers.option "-1", "last", @data.value.toString()
      str +=  """</select> day of the month.


Day let's the user filter events occuring on particular days of the week.

  class Day extends ValidationInstance
    html: ->
      str = """
      <div class="Day">
      for day, i in Helpers.daysOfTheWeek
        str += Helpers.option i.toString(), day, @data.value.toString() 
      str +=  """</select>

Day of Week

This is the perhaps most confusing rule. It allows the user to specify thing like "the 3rd sunday of the month" and so on.

  class DayOfWeek extends Option
    getData: -> [, @data.nth]
    fromData: (@data) ->
    defaults: ->
      @data.nth = 1 = 0
    render: ->
      str = """
      <div class="DayOfWeek">
        <input type="number" value=#{@data.nth} /><span>nth</span>.
      for day, i in Helpers.daysOfTheWeek
        str += Helpers.option i.toString(), day, 
      str +=  "</select></div>"
      @elem = $ str
      pluralize = => @elem.find('span').first().text switch @data.nth
        when 1 then 'st'
        when 2 then 'nd'
        when 3 then 'rd'
        else 'th'
      @elem.find('input').change (e) =>
        @data.nth = parseInt
      @elem.find('select').change (e) => = parseInt

Day of Year

Allows to specify a particular day of the year.

  class DayOfYear extends Option
    getData: -> @data.value
    fromData: (d) -> @data.value = d
    defaults: -> @data.value = 1
    render: ->
      str = """
      <div class="DayOfYear">
        <input type="number" value=#{Math.abs @data.value} /> day from the 
          #{Helpers.option '+', 'beggening', => @data.value >= 0}
          #{Helpers.option '-', 'end', => @data.value < 0}
        </select> of the year.</div>
      @elem = $ str
      @elem.find('input,select').change (e) =>
        @data.value = parseInt @elem.find('input').val()
        @data.value *= if @elem.find('select').val() == '+' then 1 else -1

Offset from Pascha

This class allows the user to specify dates in relation to the Orthodox celebration of Easter, Pascha.

  class OffsetFromPascha extends Option
    getData: -> @data.value
    defaults: -> @data.value = 0
    fromData: (d) -> @data.value = d
    render: ->
      str = """
      <div class="OffsetFromPascha">
        <input type="number" value=#{Math.abs @data.value} /> days 
          #{Helpers.option '+', 'after', => @data.value >= 0}
          #{Helpers.option '-', 'before', => @data.value < 0}
        </select> Pascha.</div>
      @elem = $ str
      @elem.find('input,select').change (e) =>
        @data.value = parseInt @elem.find('input').val()
        @data.value *= if @elem.find('select').val() == '+' then 1 else -1


This is the class that is responsible for initializing the whole hierarchy and also setting up the form to retrieve the correct representation.

  class ICUI
    constructor: ($el, opts) ->
      data = try 
      catch e
      @root = new Root $el, data
      $el.parents('form').on 'submit', (e) =>
        if opts['submit']
          return false
          $el.val JSON.stringify @getData()
      $el.after @root.render()
    getData: ->

The jQuery Plugin

Aceepts an options object where future configuration can go in. Currently suports only a 'submit' key, which is a function called on submitting the form.

  $.fn.icui = (opts = {}) ->
    @.each ->
      new ICUI $(@), opts