

Crime Viz


This example shows a more opinionated style of a line chart.

  • The y axis tick marks show the starting values of each series.
  • We position and color a label next to each series.
module CrimeViz exposing (main)

import Axis
import Color exposing (Color)
import Path exposing (Path)
import SampleData exposing (CrimeRate, crimeRates)
import Scale exposing (ContinuousScale, OrdinalScale)
import Scale.Color
import Shape
import Statistics
import Time
import TypedSvg exposing (g, svg, text_)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, dy, fill, fontFamily, stroke, textAnchor, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (fontSize, height, strokeWidth, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg, text)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (AnchorAlignment(..), Fill(..), Transform(..), em)

w : Float
w =

h : Float
h =

padding : Float
padding =

series =
    [ { label = "Murder"
      , accessor = .murder
    , { label = "Rape"
      , accessor = .rape
    , { label = "Robbery"
      , accessor = .robbery
    , { label = "Assault"
      , accessor = .assault

accessors : List (CrimeRate -> Int)
accessors =
    List.map .accessor series

values : CrimeRate -> List Float
values i =
    List.map (\a -> toFloat <| a i) accessors

colorScale : OrdinalScale String Color
colorScale =
    List.map .label series
        |> Scale.ordinal Scale.Color.category10

color : String -> Color
color =
    Scale.convert colorScale >> Maybe.withDefault Color.black

view : List CrimeRate -> Svg msg
view model =
        last =
            List.reverse model
                |> List.head
                |> Maybe.withDefault (CrimeRate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

        first =
            List.head model
                |> Maybe.withDefault (CrimeRate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)

        xScale : ContinuousScale Float
        xScale =
                |> List.map (.year >> toFloat)
                |> Statistics.extent
                |> Maybe.withDefault ( 1900, 1901 )
                |> Scale.linear ( 0, w - 2 * padding )

        yScale : ContinuousScale Float
        yScale =
                |> List.map (values >> List.maximum >> Maybe.withDefault 0)
                |> List.maximum
                |> Maybe.withDefault 0
                |> (\b -> ( 0, b ))
                |> Scale.linear ( h - 2 * padding, 0 )
                |> Scale.nice 4

        lineGenerator : ( Int, Int ) -> Maybe ( Float, Float )
        lineGenerator ( x, y ) =
            Just ( Scale.convert xScale (toFloat x), Scale.convert yScale (toFloat y) )

        line : (CrimeRate -> Int) -> Path
        line accessor =
            List.map (\i -> ( .year i, accessor i )) model
                |> List.map lineGenerator
                |> Shape.line Shape.monotoneInXCurve
    svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h ]
        [ g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) (h - padding) ] ]
            [ Axis.bottom [ Axis.tickCount 10 ] xScale ]
        , g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) padding ] ]
            [ Axis.left [ Axis.ticks (values first) ] yScale
            , text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10, x 5, y 5 ] [ text "Occurences" ]
        , g [ transform [ Translate padding padding ], class [ "series" ] ]
                (\{ accessor, label } ->
                    Path.element (line accessor)
                        [ stroke (color label)
                        , strokeWidth 3
                        , fill FillNone
        , g [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10 ]
                (\{ accessor, label } ->
                        [ transform
                            [ Translate (w - padding + 10) (padding + Scale.convert yScale (toFloat (accessor last)))
                        [ text_ [ fill (Fill (color label)) ] [ text label ] ]
        , g [ transform [ Translate (w - padding) (padding + 20) ] ]
            [ text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 20, textAnchor AnchorEnd ] [ text "Violent Crime in the US" ]
            , text_ [ fontFamily [ "sans-serif" ], fontSize 10, textAnchor AnchorEnd, dy (em 1) ] [ text "Source: fbi.gov" ]

main =
    view crimeRates