

Histogram Chart


Renders a histogram of a randomly generated data set

module HistogramChart exposing (main)

import Axis
import Color
import Histogram exposing (Bin, HistogramGenerator)
import Random exposing (Generator, Seed)
import Scale exposing (BandConfig, BandScale, ContinuousScale, defaultBandConfig)
import TypedSvg exposing (g, rect, svg)
import TypedSvg.Attributes exposing (class, fill, transform, viewBox)
import TypedSvg.Attributes.InPx exposing (height, width, x, y)
import TypedSvg.Core exposing (Svg)
import TypedSvg.Types exposing (Fill(..), Transform(..))

{-| We use addition here to approximate normal distribution.
generator : Generator (List Float)
generator =
    Random.list 500 <| Random.map2 (+) (Random.float 0 10) (Random.float 0 10)

seed : Seed
seed =
    -- chosen by fair dice roll
    Random.initialSeed 227852860

data : List Float
data =
    Tuple.first <| Random.step generator seed

histogram : List Float -> List (Bin Float Float)
histogram model =
        |> Histogram.withDomain ( 0, 20 )
        |> Histogram.compute model

w : Float
w =

h : Float
h =

padding : Float
padding =

xScale : ContinuousScale Float
xScale =
    Scale.linear ( 0, w - 2 * padding ) ( 0, 20 )

yScaleFromBins : List (Bin Float Float) -> ContinuousScale Float
yScaleFromBins bins =
    List.map .length bins
        |> List.maximum
        |> Maybe.withDefault 0
        |> toFloat
        |> Tuple.pair 0
        |> Scale.linear ( h - 2 * padding, 0 )

xAxis : List Float -> Svg msg
xAxis model =
    Axis.bottom [] xScale

yAxis : List (Bin Float Float) -> Svg msg
yAxis bins =
    Axis.left [ Axis.tickCount 5 ] (yScaleFromBins bins)

column : ContinuousScale Float -> Bin Float Float -> Svg msg
column yScale { length, x0, x1 } =
        [ x <| Scale.convert xScale x0
        , y <| Scale.convert yScale (toFloat length)
        , width <| Scale.convert xScale x1 - Scale.convert xScale x0
        , height <| h - Scale.convert yScale (toFloat length) - 2 * padding
        , fill <| Fill <| Color.rgb255 46 118 149

view : List Float -> Svg msg
view model =
        bins =
            histogram model
    svg [ viewBox 0 0 w h  ]
        [ g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) (h - padding) ] ]
            [ xAxis model ]
        , g [ transform [ Translate (padding - 1) padding ] ]
            [ yAxis bins ]
        , g [ transform [ Translate padding padding ], class [ "series" ] ] <|
            List.map (column (yScaleFromBins bins)) bins

main =
    view data