Inherits from GMAutoCompleteTextView : NSTextView
Declared in GMCodeEditor.h


GMCodeEditor is a code editing component. In general it is designed to work as a drop in replacement for NSTextView with very little furhter configuration necessary. However you can tweak it into a fairly complex code editing component.

Configuration notes

Since the exact configuration of a code editor mostly depends on the language being edited, the bulk of the configuration goes into the language file, that GMLanguage is responsible for loading. Therefore the easiest way how to change the behavior of this class is simply to modify these files and then load them with setLanguage:.

Subclassing notes

Notice that this class inherits from GMAutoCompleteTextView since it has autocompletion based on language files. Therefore you can also override any of those methods, although be aware that GMCodeEditor provides a custom implementation of all the methods from the “Methods to consider overriding in subclasses” section. Furthermore the class overrides many NSTextView methods as well as many NSTextStorageDelegate methods.

Despite these warnings, the class is intended to be subclassed.


Configuration of the editor

  • – language

    The language definition that is currently being edited.

  • – setLanguage:

    Set the language to use for editing and syntax highlighting.

  •   tabWidth

    The number of spaces a tab press will insert and also the amount by which the indent: command will indent the code.


Text Editing Commands

  • – indent:

    Indents the selected section of text or the current line.

  • – dedent:

    Dedents the selected section of text or the current line by one level.

  • – toggleComments:

    Inspects the current selection and toggles comments.

  • – scrollToLine:

    Scrolls the completion view to the line given and sets the insertion point to the begening of that line.



The number of spaces a tab press will insert and also the amount by which the indent: command will indent the code.

@property NSUInteger tabWidth

Declared In


Instance Methods


Dedents the selected section of text or the current line by one level.

- (IBAction)dedent:(id)sender

Declared In



Indents the selected section of text or the current line.

- (IBAction)indent:(id)sender

Declared In



The language definition that is currently being edited.

- (NSDictionary *)language

Return Value

A dictionary of a language definition.

See Also

Declared In



Scrolls the completion view to the line given and sets the insertion point to the begening of that line.

- (void)scrollToLine:(NSUInteger)num



The line number to scroll to.

Declared In



Set the language to use for editing and syntax highlighting.

- (void)setLanguage:(id)lang



Either a string in which case [GMLanguage languageFromBundleWithName:] will be called, otherwise a dictionary which should be the language representation itself (prefferably constructed with GMLanguage class methods).

Declared In



Inspects the current selection and toggles comments.

- (IBAction)toggleComments:(id)sender


If all of the lines selected are commented, then the comments will be removed, otherwise comments will be added.

If the selection is zero length, then the current line is considered the selection.

Declared In
